

Healing at Home:

USA-Based Ayahuasca Retreats for Veterans

A 4-Day Spiritual and Healing Journey for Veterans, featuring Ayahuasca

and Holistic Wellness.

Discover a new way forward.

Through the power of community, Sacred Soldier offers veterans a journey of transformation and renewal, blending the healing power of ayahuasca with holistic wellness practices.

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Ayahuasca Healing:

Guided by experienced facilitators, explore the many benefits of ayahuasca in a safe, controlled environment.

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Holistic Activities:

Participate in yoga, breathwork, ​meditation, journaling, and hiking, all ​designed to nurture the body and ​soul.

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Community Support:

Connect with fellow veterans, share stories, and build a supportive network to sustain your healing journey.

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USA-Based Retreat:

Experience profound healing without the need for international travel. Enjoy peace of mind staying close to home while embarking on a transformative journey.

Men Resting on Mats at Yoga Studio



3:00 PM: Check-in

4:00 PM: Opening Alignment Gathering

6:00 PM: Welcome Dinner

7:30 PM: Burning Bowl Drum Circle


8:30 AM - 9:30 AM: Light Breakfast

11:00 AM: YOGA: Soften Through Resistance

12:30 PM - 2:00 PM: Cacao, Sananga, & Hape' Heart Opening Journey

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM: Light Lunch

3:30 PM: Ceremony Preparation Break (Private sessions/rest time)

6:30 PM: Ayahuasca Ceremony 1


9:30 AM - 10:30 AM: Early Morning Breakfast

11:00 AM: YOGA: Ignite Your Spirit

12:30 PM - 2:00 PM: Sacred Breath & Sound Journey

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM: Light Lunch

3:30 PM: Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine Breakthrough Circles

5:30 PM: Ceremony Preparation Break (Private sessions/rest time)

8:00 PM: Ayahuasca Ceremony 2


11:00 AM: Brunch

12:00 PM: Closing Group Integration Circle

3:00 PM: Check-out and Departure

Multiracial men practice yoga together

A few Testimonials of Sacred Soldier...

“I am grateful to Sacred Soldier for allowing me to feel safe during my first retreat. It was a life changing experience and left an impactful desire to continue moving forward with my healing. Thank you for your professionalism and ease of service.

Edith Ocampo

“Sacred Solider isn’t just a retreat, it’s a community that I’m so happy to have found. Thanks to them, I’ve regained control of my life and now passionately advocate for natural plant medicines. I highly recommend Sacred Soldier to anyone exploring alternative PTSD treatments.”

John Black

"I stand behind Josh's mission 100% and I hope everyone gets the opportunity to meet him and benefit from the brilliant work he’s doing to serve others."

Brett Baughmann

“After months of struggling with personal challenges. I finally decided to seek professional help and came across Sacred Solider. The progress I’ve made since starting my journey with them, I’ve gained a deeper understanding of myself, improved my relationships, and developed coping skills that have significantly enhanced my overall well-being. Totally recommend them!


Sacred Ceremony Facilitator

Najib Saab

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Through his studies within the lineage of the Shipibo-Conibo people and esteemed healers from the Amazon Basin, Najib has mastered the art of sacred ceremonies with profound reverence. Immersed in the traditional plant dietas of the Peruvian jungles, Najib combines rigorous traditional practices with a nuanced understanding of contemporary spiritual needs. This fusion of ancient wisdom and modern insight ensures each participant's journey is safe and deeply transformative.

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What is Ayahuasca?

Ayahuasca is a sacred and powerful plant sacrament, traditionally used for centuries by indigenous communities in the Amazon basin of South America. It is renowned for its ability to facilitate spiritual exploration, healing, and a deep connection with nature. Typically, Ayahuasca is prepared as a brew made from the Ayahuasca vine (Banisteriopsis caapi) and the leaves of the Chacruna plant (Psychotria viridis). This profound sacrament teaches respect for life and the natural world while fostering spiritual healing and self-discovery.

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Is this retreat only for veterans?

Sacred Soldier retreats are designed specifically for veterans, fostering a supportive community of shared experiences. Sacred Soldier will be adding additional retreats for first responders, friends and family of veterans, and other communities in the near future. Please connect with us for more information and upcoming dates.

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What activities will be part of the retreat?

The retreat includes activities like yoga, meditation, and hiking, all designed to support your healing process.

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How do I prepare?

We'll provide preparation guidelines upon registration, including dietary recommendations and what to bring.

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What does the daily schedule look like?

Each day is carefully planned to include therapeutic sessions, community building, holistic practices, and life changing ceremonies, ensuring a balanced and enriching experience.

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Is ayahuasca legal in the USA?

Yes, Sacred Soldier collaborates with 963 Tribe Church, a 508(c)(1)(a) non-profit religious organization, to legally facilitate our ayahuasca ceremonies. This arrangement ensures protection under the First Amendment, which guarantees freedom of religion. As such, our ceremonies are conducted with ayahuasca as a recognized holy sacrament through the church.

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What kind of accommodations are provided?

You’ll stay in comfortable and peaceful accommodations, designed to support your healing throughout the retreat.

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meet the team

Founder and CEO

Josh Halu

A West Point graduate, former Army Ranger, and Blackhawk helicopter pilot who discovered the transformative power of psychedelics following his military service. As the founder of PsycheX and Sacred Soldier, he is dedicated to providing healing experiences for veterans through the integration of psychedelic therapies and holistic wellness practices.


Najib Saab

With over 15 years of working with sacred plants, Najib is deeply committed to serving veterans and those seeking inner peace. His compassionate approach ensures each ceremony is safe and empowering. Najib's dedication to creating a supportive community helps individuals reconnect with their true selves, fostering profound healing and spiritual transformation.

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Geometric decorative pattern of triangles

Benefits of Our Ayahuasca Retreats:

  • Deep Emotional Release: Experience profound spiritual healing and release from emotional traumas through our sacred Ayahuasca ceremonies, guided by seasoned spiritual guides. This process facilitates a meaningful connection with the divine and a deeper understanding of oneself.
  • Clarity and Insight: Unlock insights into your personal beliefs and thought patterns during your journey with Ayahuasca, leading to enhanced peace and a clearer sense of purpose.
  • Holistic Rejuvenation: Engage in practices like yoga and meditation that complement the ceremony, promoting harmony between body and mind, and reinforcing your spiritual path.
  • Community and Connection: Become part of a supportive network of individuals who share your journey. Build lasting relationships that nurture your growth and extend beyond the retreat.
  • Expert Guidance: Our team includes certified medical therapists and experienced facilitators who ensure a safe and enlightening experience. They help integrate your spiritual experiences with the ceremonial use of Ayahuasca, focusing on religious and spiritual growth.

Tailored Experiences. Integrated Therapies. Post-Retreat Support.

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